From our ALUMNI
Scroll through to hear from some BAM alumni!
BAM was my most critical community during my time at CSOM and the U of M. From the multiple professional development opportunities to the vast networks it exposed me to, and most importantly, the friends I gained through the org (aka the BAMily!), BAM was the most enjoyable organization I was ever a part of in college.
-Derek Krouch
2013 BAM President
“I originally went to my first BAM meeting because my friend on the board lured me in with the promise of free food. This single decision to attend a meeting helped shape my entire college and post-grad experience. Aside from being one of my favorite organizations, BAM helped equip me with the resources and connections I needed to become a leading professional in today’s intricate and complex business world. From large-scale events, such as Professional Development Day, to weekly sponsor meetings, I was given invaluable knowledge that I still utilize today. Helping establish such close relationships with their wide swath of corporate sponsors also made me realize what sort of company I wanted to work for as I entered the workforce. BAM sponsors have repeatedly proven themselves to be organizations that pride themselves on having diverse and inclusive workforces rather than just having it be a box to check off. I’m proud to be a BAM Alumni and will forever be grateful of the opportunities it has helped provide me with!”
-Sid Paari
2018 BAM Vice President of Corporate Relations
"BAM has impacted my life dramatically, yet in the most positive way one can imagine. I never thought I would find such an accepting and diverse organization within CSOM or even think about stepping in a leadership position the past year. Not only has BAM given me the ability to network with companies and BAM alumni, but BAM has given me the confidence to step out of my comfort zone and reach for something better and bigger. BAMily forever.”
-Amy Chen
2018 BAM Director of Communication
"As a clueless freshman, BAM taught me what I didn't know I didn't know, like which experiences can strengthen my resume or how to network and why that's important. I had access to leadership opportunities that I would later reference in interviews for internships and my first job post-graduation. Everyone at BAM was there to support and cheer each other on, and that made me feel less alone as a minority in Carlson. The memories and friendships I made at BAM still stick with me today as I figure out life!”
-Sarah Yang
2015 BAM Member
"BAM has brought the humanity into business and that attracted me as an engineering student. While I've always wanted to develop my business acumen, I found not only a business organization, but also a community, in BAM. In addition to developing professionally here, members also have the opportunity of growing the organization as they see need. My time as a general member and exec board member has undoubtedly contributed to internship offers at companies like US Bank and 3M, better working relationships with corporate reps, and my network with peers."
-Luke Chen
2020 VP of Corporate Relations
“BAM helped me grow professionally through unique networking opportunities with some of the biggest companies in the Twin Cities. I got to see what working at these companies would be like, and I got to know recruiters on a personal level. BAM also put on many large-scale diversity and service events each year, which helped strengthen the multicultural community at the U. BAM helped me grow as a leader and helped me get to where I am today.”
-Amogh Potlapalli
2019 BAM President
“Being on BAM board has been a valuable experience. I loved my time in BAM as a member and as a board member. I learned a lot of team management skills through constantly working with various board members and general members. I especially loved working on Diversity in the Workplace as a BAM member and I was so excited to work on the next one as a board member. Although my time with BAM was fleeting, I gained meaningful relationships with all the members. BAM definitely helped me gain leadership experience and skills that I still use today.”
“Being an International Student, I wasn’t completely sure of what to expect because it was my first time being heavily involved with a student organization in the United States. However, my overall experience was great as BAM cultivates a culture that ensures everyone is involved no matter who you are. My involvement led me to achieve the position of Direct of IT, which helped me gain some experience with handling the technical aspects of an organization. Apart from this, I was able to meet wonderful people and colleagues along the way. Anyone reading this, considering going BAM, it’s worth it!”